Give Back This Thanksgiving--Article Includes Hope For The Warriors®

Last week Wednesday, I received an email from  For Thanksgiving, they wrote an article about charities worth donating to and asked for information on Hope For The Warriors®.  I was given a very short turnaround time to submit how someone’s $10 or $25 donation could help the military families we serve. Read the full article here.

This is a common request which I don’t actually like.  We are proud of the people who donate to us, even if they can only donate a small amount.  After all, if every American gave just $1, imagine what a difference that could make.  However, to tell someone specifically what THEIR $10 will do is completely different.  When you follow the link to the article, you will see part of what I submitted to this reporter.  In the next few days, I will post a more extensive list on this blog.

There are two other important parts of this story however.  First, the reason this reporter contacted us was because of Hope For The Warriors® Four-star rating on Charity Navigator and because we are number one on the list of “Highly Rated Military and Veteran Charities with the Most Reviews.”  This Four-Star Rating has been key in getting us increased attention.  I love that so many people are educated on the nonprofit organizations that they donate to rather than just giving to the organization with the flashy, high-priced commercial.

The second lesson in this article is that is a website that has political leanings to the left.  So often, there is a belief that our military families are supported solely by those on the right side of the political spectrum.  However, this reporter included veterans’ causes in his article with complete sincerity and insight into the sacrifices of our military members.  This is a great reminder that the military families we serve, our supporters, and the Hope For The Warriors® staff, hold a wide spectrum of political views and yet each join us in our mission to ensure “no sacrifice forgotten, nor need unmet.” 

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