THE WAY I SEE IT ... Eyewitness News did the better job of covering House fiscal cliff vote

Recently, Eyewitness News has been running promos on both WEHT Local and Local 7 WTVW inviting viewers to "see the difference" and explaining that the stations put viewers first.

When I first saw the spots, my first reaction was, "This is fluff; it's nice, but is it real?"

It didn't take long to get my answer:  Last night, there was indeed a difference ― and it was sufficient to put Eyewitness News head and shoulders above 14 News.

So what happened?

Differences in fiscal cliff coverage notable last night
As the U.S. House of Representatives finally voted on the long-delayed "fiscal cliff" legislation (which happened during the 10 p.m. newscasts), Eyewitness News carried a live report from ABC in Washington.  14 News was a bit behind, with Jackie Monroe reporting that Congress would vote within the hour when, as it turned out, voting was already underway.  The station did catch up ― on the vote, at least ― later.

But then Eyewitness News went a step further, carrying President Obama's comments on the results of the vote at 10:20 p.m.  14 News ... didn't.

In this writer's view, when it comes to big news events, being able to follow what's going on is extremely important, and in a situation like what many of us were watching last night, to have the opportunity to get the facts without the cable news spin is always a plus.  Eyewitness News provided that type of quality coverage last night, and it's refreshing to see.

14 News has long been the leader (at least from a ratings standpoint), but when leadership mattered, it found itself following last night.  If the folks on Mt. Auburn Road don't take a good, close look at the differences in coverage last night and make some changes, they may find themselves in that position a good deal more often.

"THE WAY I SEE IT ..." commentaries express the opinion of JDTVB's editor, Jacob Newkirk.

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