Happy New Year!

Once again, Hope For The Warriors® invited wounded service members, their families and Gold Star families to New York City for a memorable end of the year trip.  The highlight of the trip is New Year's Eve in Times Square.

With the amazing help of the NYPD, our families were escorted into a special area for the festivities.  The NYPD kept our families safe and helped our combat wounded service members who need some buffer from loud noises and crowds.

We invited combat wounded service members and Gold Star families from the military medical centers in Washington DC, from the Wounded Warrior Battalion East at Camp Lejeune, and across the globe.  One service member returned from Afghanistan to Okinawa, Japan and then quickly hopped on a plane and joined us in the same day.  Families from the New York and New Jersey area also joined our group.  All together, we had more than 100 people.

We can't think of a better way to ring in the New Year than with the families that we care so much about. On their behalf, we thank each of you for your support in 2012.  We have a lot of work to accomplish in 2013.  We hope that you will join us!

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