'Couver Town Recaps: When i say "bobsled" you say, "gold!" "bobsled!" "gold!" "BOBSLED!" "GOLD!"

(Spectators and cameramen alike lean out onto the track to greet the USA-1 team as they cross the finish winning gold!)

Congrats to Steven Holcomb who piloted the USA-1 bobsled to winning gold in the four-man competition. It's the first gold medal for the US in the event in 62 YEARS! That's crazy! The medal also holds significance because it ensures that whether the US men’s hockey team wins gold or silver, the US team will still leave the Games with 37 overall medals. That's the most by any country at a single Winter Olympics EVER! Team USA rocks!!!

Holcomb, along with Justin Olsen, Steve Mesler and Curtis Tomasevicz raced their bobsled - aka "The Night Train" - so well over the course of their 4 runs in the final. The funny thing I noticed about bobsled during this Games is that it's very hard for the four-man team to congratulate each other after the run. They're all crammed in so tight that they can't really hug and they can't get up until the bobsled comes to a complete stop. They have to just kinda wave their hands and pat each other on the helmet. It's kind of amusing. Another funny thing I noticed is that bobsled uniforms are kinda weird looking. They almost look painted on. They remind me a little of that large guy in that commercial where he's getting a mud bath in a spa. You know the one? Where he's all in some weird green mud exfoliating? I can't remember what the commercial was for, but that's what the bobsledders kinda looked like in my opinion.

Holcomb came to the Games with an inspiring personal story, having nearly going blind after a battle with keratoconus, which is a degenerative eye disease. Luckily he's fine now and was able to achieve his dream of winning gold for his country at the Olympics. He even has his own victory dance - The Holcy Dance" which looks kinda like the Hokey Pokey set to the tune of the Humpty Dance. It's a little silly, but gold medalists can celebrate pretty much any way they want.

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