Light at the End of the Tunnel

By Korz206

The Seattle Thunderbirds are currently in 4th in the U.S Division and 7th in the Western conference. The Tbirds have been bit by the injury bug to start out the year. Colin Jacobs (Drafted by the Buffalo Sabres) has been out all season not due back until sometime in December. This has been a big blow to the Tbirds because he is a threat on the ice, a game changer. His skating is unbelievable, puck work nothing to laugh at, and the way he can finish off a play is outstanding. Jacobs had 44 points last year, one of the leaders for goals and assists on the Tbirds last season. However, as Tbirds fans we cannot all blame the lack of wins all on injuries. Poor performances have plagued the Thunderbirds for the last three seasons. With a new coach at the helm in Steve Konowalchuk and newly acquired players on the roster, there has to be time to gel. That is with any team and every team. It seems every Tirds game is the same as the last. Strong first period, lackadaisical second period, and horrific third periods, which have led to scores of 6-1 or 7-2 and so on. For a team who has traded numerous Bantam draft picks for strong defensemen to control the Tbirds half of the ice, this should be "their year". And quite frankly, they have been playing not to their potential. So this, Thunderbirds fans, is why I see light at the end of the tunnel:

1) Calvin Pickard (Drafted by the Colorado Avalanche) is playing the best he has and is a top 3 goalie in the WHL.
2) When Colin Jacobs returns to the ice that will give the Tbirds a much needed shot in the arm, sparking games where the Tbirds will score 4,5, or even 6 goals.
3) With all these new faces in the locker room, they need time to get to know each other playing styles.
4) New coaching means knew schemes and plays. Every game the Tbirds are applying more and more pressure to the puck, which is exactly what Coach Konowalchuk wants.
5) And finally, this roster is just too talented for another underachieving year, I see this team making it to the playoffs, and as my favorite quote states, "Anything can happen, that's why they play the game".

So Seattle Thunderbirds fans, I leave you with this... There is light at the end of the tunnel! Hockey has long seasons for a reason. Look for a quick bounce back and for our boys to start climbing up in the standings.


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