Today's Snow Day is Brought to You By Snowmaggedon aka Snowpocalypse (or maybe Santa God)

"It's a Marshmallow World in the winter, when the snow comes to cover the ground. It's a time for play. It's a whipped cream day. I wait for it the whole year 'round." - Brenda Lee

It's a Snow Day y'all. I'm so excited. I don't know the last time I had a real snow day. I've already watched The Dark Crystal (my personal Snow Day movie), had a nice warm cup of mint chocolate cocoa and now - before my first nap of the day - I'm streaming some Into the Woods on Netflix. Then when I wake up, I have several home projects to work on and Christmas toys to play with. SO EXCITING!

I was bummed to have to go back to work today on the Monday after Christmas this year, and it's like Santa God heard my holiday prayers, and dumped a foot and a half of snow on the City (along with 60 mph gusting winds) to shut down the subway and shut everyone inside. My Day-After-Christmas Wish was not intended to ruin anyone's travel plans, and for those of you stuck in the City or stuck out of the City, I sincerely hope you are able to get on your way soon. In the meantime, go outside and make a snow angel or go sledding, or have a snowball fight if that suits your liking. If you're like me, stay wrapped up cozy indoors and cherish these quiet hours with some favorite movies. This winter, it's a Marshmallow World!

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