Rock U Like A Hurricane

If you're living on the Eastern Seaboard I hope you had as uneventful a time with Hurricane Irene as I did. It's great that we were spared, even if we were (over)prepared. Everything at Casa de Owen was fine. Candles were bought. Flashlights were found. Movies were watched. Food was eaten. Video Games were played. Outside, the rain Fell. Winds Blew. The transit system shut down and the Rafael Nadal book signing I'd been waiting for with such joy was canceled... the transit system shut down and the Rafael Nadal book signing I'd been waiting for with such joy was canceled!!! Now I realize that in the LONG RUN my chance to meet Nadal and have him sign my book and my 2009 US Open Tennis Ball I got off him and have our eyes meet for half a second is not worth risking the safety of millions of people by keeping the city open for business until 9 or 10pm on Saturday. But in the short run... I mean we basically shut down the transit system for nothing!!! Oh, I'm so sad to have missed my chance to meet him! Maybe they will reschedule? I don't know. I doubt it. But they do want him to sell that book. So maybe? Sigh... We'll see.

Anyway, the hurricane's gone and it's back to work tomorrow. And after 4 days of basically sitting at my house after having my wisdom teeth pulled Wednesday and then being on Hurricane Lockdown, I'm ready for a change of scenery. The past 24 hours, I've tried to lift my spirits over missing Rafa by remembering I still have a chance to see him on the practice courts at the Open on Labor Day (let's be done with storms that day, okay Mother Nature?) and I've also got this delightful new Hitler Spoof video to watch and laugh at time and time again. Hitler's rage is a decent equivalent of how I felt when I learned I couldn't see Rafa on Saturday.

There's always next Monday for dreams to come true. Next Monday is not far away...

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