A Year Without Cookies - Week 35

(Pick you poison.)

Another week successfully avoiding cookies! But I came across the craziest soda fountain you ever did see. On my trip to see Spy Kids 4, I noticed that the good people at Loews E-Walk 42nd Street have brought their soda dispensary technology into the 21st century. Instead of filling your cup with 85% ice and 15% soda behind the counter, they now give you a cup and send you over to this giant dispensary station which holds every kind of soda known to man (or perhaps just owned by Coca-Cola Company. I did not notice if Pepsi products were also available. I did not get soda, but there was a lemonade option. So i pressed that button on the screen. Yes a screen! And then a sub-screen of 5 additional flavors of lemonade I could have. Grape Lemonade? Tempting, but I stuck with regular old fashioned lemonade. I got Migu a Sprite and that also had an additional sub-screen of flavors to choose from. Grape-flavored Sprite? I might be back to try that one in 2012.

It's a veritable wall of soda. So many delicious possibilities! I would not want the unenviable task of going into the guts of that machinery whenever a certain flavor ran out. It must be an endless maze of tubes and vats of soda in there. But at least we the consuming public can reap the benefits. It's not Star Trek-level replicator technology, but we're getting there. In the meantime, we can control the ice to soda per cup serving ratio. That's progress!!

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