Blog Policies - Revisit

I try not to write too many of these kinds of posts—my blog is about restaurant reviews and that is what I love to do. However, every once in awhile it seems like a good idea to reiterate my policies, both the ones that apply to me, and the ones that apply to comments I post (or don’t post).

My review policy is pretty simple. I go to a restaurant and I write a review. Because no one pays for my meals but me, I usually only go to a place once before writing a review. I don’t do reviews for free food or anything else. I am totally open to being asked to review a restaurant either by people in the restaurant industry or by my readers. I always take these suggestions seriously and I almost always add them to my list to try. However, I never announce my visits in any way and I try to be as anonymous as possible.

One of the best things about my blog, in my opinion, is the interaction I have with people from Indy about restaurants and food (and even with people from out of town who often email me and ask for suggestions). I love hearing from you all, whether you agree or disagree with me. In fact, this great open dialogue is one of the main reasons I continue to do this blog (that and my passion for food and my love of Indianapolis). However, I have to have certain rules for commenting and they are posted, as always, on the home page of my blog. They are:
1. No personal attacks;
2. No advertisements;
3. No offensive language;
4. No legal allegations against anyone (i.e. labor, health regulations, etc.) unless you have a link to back it up (i.e. to a pending suit, health violation, etc.).

The “no personal attack” rule applies to attacks on me or anyone else. So if you want to write a comment or send me an email calling names, feel free. Express yourself. Please just don’t be surprised when I don’t publish it. Also, if you post a comment about something like a restaurant making you sick, or an employee doing some illegal activity, I probably won’t publish that either, except under very special circumstances (see above).

I love hearing from all of you, and I love what this blog has become. I am proud of it, and I hope many of you continue to participate in whatever way feels good to you and that you continue to enjoy reading my very personal take on restaurants around our fine City.


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