I love the Christmas season. Every year our family celebrates the upcoming Christmas holiday with advent calendars. We have several. I'd love to share them with you along with some other ways that you can count down the days to Christmas.
For those of you who do not know, I'll define advent. Advent (from the Latin word adventus, meaning "coming") celebrates the days leading up to the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. The calendar counts backwards (usually from 24 to 1) or, it fills in the 25 days of December until Christmas.
I made this first calendar for myself with a black cookie sheet, ribbons, scrapbook paper and lots of fun things from my craft box. The calendar starts off with a blank grid and then I put one of the magnetic numbers on every day.The next calendar is my niece's. It is made of felt, buttons and glitter. Every day she takes a little roll of paper from a heart. She is given instructions for that day. Today she needs to do something special for someone.
This next one is really fun. I was in an advent calendar swap. Each of us made 2 numbers and we swapped them. I made the cookie sheet background very similar to the first calendar.
Next up is my mother's calendar. It has 24 little windows. In every window there is a magnetic character from the Christmas story and a piece of chocolate. It is fun to watch the scene be built throughout the month.
Lastly, we have a fun "24 Chocolate Days 'til Christmas calendar that was given to my niece this year.
There are lots of other ways to countdown to Christmas. Here are a few I found on the internet:
- Make a paper chain with scripture references. Each evening, remove a chain until you get to the final link.
- Pop down to Christmas. Make a countdown calendar out of recycled bubble wrap. Pop one of the bubbles every day until Christmas. There are a few other cute ideas on this site. Search "advent."
- A coloring sheet with scripture references every day 'til Christmas.
- This one requires a little advance planning but everyday there is a scripture reference, a suggested family activity, and an ornament hidden behind a door.
- The advent candle gift idea. Everyday the recipient burns the candle while reading the scripture.
- Open an envelope with an activity idea. Free printable and some fun ideas of things to do as a family.
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